Monday, March 22, 2010

Bang !

Helloo, I'm back blogging :).
My chinese new year had been a little bit longer this year. I've been going out playing everyday for almost 2 months now since chinese new year. Well not until last friday when my lovely Wira ran into the divider. That pretty much end my new year mood. Lols.
Good lah ! Now no transport to go out, I can finally stay home and blog ! Which might get boring very soon so enjoy my post while i still have the blogging mood lah :P

Do you know Andrew Garcia?

Thats him covering Paula Abdul's "Straight Up". One of his best performance so far on American Idol. He's one of my favourite youtube artist :) .

PS: Didn't know he was in American Idol until rhys told me. Thanks buddy :P

Gonna go register myself in college tmw morning. Signing off :]

1 Shout outs:

LvBeii said...

oohh,so now you blog!lol!